On... Not About the Money

 I don't care about the money. I say that sometimes, but do i really not care about the money?

Well, I do and I don't. When I say I don't care about the money, it doesn't mean I don't care about money. I just don't care to have a lot of money. You see, a lot of people do things to get a lot of money. But I rather do things because I enjoy doing them, rather to get a lot of money.

Am I so rich that I don't care about money? Only rich and wealthy people do things for fun and not because of the money right? Wrong. Whether you care about money doesn't depend on how rich or wealthy you are. It depends on your personality and your philosophy on money. Some people have a few million dollars, but they still strive to have a couple of million more. Heck, give me a million dollars, and I don't have to work anymore in my life (well, I don't really work anymore but that's a different story).

Look, the reason I don't care about the money is not because I'm rich but it's because I don't strive to be rich. I don't need a fancy car, a fancy house, a fancy vacation, .... or anything fancy at all to be honest. So, why would I need a couple million dollars? what do I need? Just basic necessities like food on the table, a roof over my head, money to pay the bills, etc... You don't really need that much money if  you live a bare bones lifestyle.

Poor people suffer, that's without a doubt. But why do some rich people suffer as well? Barring special circumstances, it's probably due to envy and the need to be richer than thy neighbour. When everyone is running that race to be on top, nobody really wins?

I want to - if possible do the things that I enjoy. If it has financial incentives, even better. Otherwise, prioritizing enjoyment over money is a long-term goal of mine.


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