About the Author/Blog

I am a 40 year old (dated 2019) full time stay at home dad and part time investor, mainly in the ASX200. My wife works full time and I take care of our 2 lovely kids, a boy aged 3 and his little sister 10 months of age.     

In my past life (when I was young, single and stupid), financial independence and retirement planning was not a part of my life. I had a relatively high paying job and had no debts (paid off my student loan, car loan and mortgage), and if were to just live an average and simple life and not screw up at work, I would probably have enough money to see me through retirement.

It all changed when I took a radical and bold step to leave my stable job and migrated to Australia. Few months into my new job, the oil price crashed and I was laid off (I worked in the oil and gas industry). Life can be like a game of snakes and ladders and if you rolled the wrong number, you get swallowed by a snake and that takes you many steps backwards.         

Financial independence and retirement planning suddenly became very important. After a lot of reading and looking at different options, I decided that investing in the stock market if done properly is a viable option. This blog records my journey into financial independence for me and my family. I hope that in 20 years time, I can look back and say that my radical move was the best thing that have happened to me.

If life is like a game of snake and ladders - sometimes you roll a good number and end up at the right square, whilst at other times you roll a bad number and end up at the wrong square. You never really know whether your next roll will be a good or bad one. But if you wish to reach your destination, you just have to keep rolling and that is what I intend to do.


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