July 2022

Stock I'm watching this month:-

Impact Theory Founders Key

Sector: Crypto - JPEG
Market Cap: N/A
Price/Earnings: N/A
Price/Book: N/A
Return On Equity: N/A
Return On Assets: N/A
Debt/Equity: N/A

Reasons to watch: Impact Theory is a project by Tom and Lisa Bilyeu. Many people would have heard of the podcasts by Tom Bilyeu (that is how I found this jpeg project btw) and would know that Tom is a successful businessman. He is driven and intelligent. If you want to invests on a project based on the founder, this seems like a pretty safe place to park your money given Tom's history of success.

Risk: All JPEGs are speculative investments.    

Sentiment: Buy
Disclosure: Not Held
Current Price: 0.1 Eth FP (1 Eth = 1597 USD)
My Strike Price:0.1 Eth

Disclaimer: This does not constitute any financial advice or stock recommendations. As always, Do Your Own Research.


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