On... Antifragile Jobs
Last blog , I talked about taking up a job or having a Plan B that is antifragile or at least robust. I have picked up trading as my insurance. One that I think can be antifragile. So which kind of jobs are fragile and which ones are antifragile? This is one of the topics that I first came across when reading the book Antifragile by Nassim Taleb. In his book ( chapter 5 ), he talked about two types of profession - one with predictable income and the other extremely variable. So, which one of those would be considered a fragile profession? First thought would be the one with extremely variable income. But that's not the case at all. I used to work as a white collar professional and that would put me in the first category. I had a predictable income and I could plan ahead easily. That's what I thought until I was retrenched when the oil crisis hit in 2015. My 'stable ' job turned out to be pretty unstable and fragile. Finding a new job was hard as the oil price would ta...