On... 2023
2024 marks the seventh year of my investing. 2023 was the best year for me ( see below Figure ). Ironically my trading is down for the year but my Portfolio growth has been the best since inception ( although still far from Portfolio All Time High ). The earlier part was rangebound and mostly trending downwards until circa November 2023. It then went on a tear and almost reached the ASX200 ATH of 7632 points. ROI for my Portfolio is 2.7% ( ROI since Inception ). For the latest Portfolio Updates, see Portfolio Updates . There is no big changes in my trading/investing in 2023. As mentioned above, 2023 turned out to be the best year for me ( Absolute Values ). This is in contrast to losing money in my Active trades. It is counter-intuitive at first glance but think of the following scenario. You could run a business selling goods for example and due to poor demand in the year, you could suffer a loss. At the same time, the shop that you own that sits as an Asset in your Balance...