On... Moving On
If you fall into a hole, you must crawl out immediately. Getting rugged in crypto is bad. But even worse is rugging yourself. And I rugged myself recently! It felt like falling into a hole. What happened was, I was supposed to send 1k AUD to a friend. But for whatever reason, I sent it to a wrong account. Needless to say, I am unable to retrieve the money up till today. I actually know the person I sent the money to. It is my insurance agent that I haven't contacted for more than fifteen years but it was still worth a shot of trying to reach out to her. She ignored me after I explained to her what had happened. Can't say I am too surprised to be honest. My faith in humanity is not very high at this point. Years of investing in the crypto space has turned me into a cynic. So after a few tries of trying to contact her, I gave up. And decided to move on. When you fall into a hole, you must crawl out as soon as possible. However, my family has from time to time, asked me whether I ...