On... Why Bitcoin?
Some people ask "Why Bitcoin?" Thats a very difficult topic because people buy Bitcoin for all kinds of reasons. My reason is very simple - because Cash is Trash. Let's start from the premise that Cash is Trash. Where do we go from there? There are a few options of investment vehicles that you can look at. Super Annuation, Stocks, Property, Business, Crypto. The are dozens of ways that you can invest but the most accessible to most people are probably the 5 above. So, lets take a look at the different asset class. Super Annuation is touted as the Holy Grail by my mom and mom in law. That may not be a bad choice at about 7% annual returns. But 7% may just be tracking or even below inflation. Stocks is definitely a good choice. Just buying the index would get you a 10% annual return. I did actually start from stocks before I dabbled into crypto and it is still a major holding for me. Property is the go to investment class traditionally. I was actually into property even bef...