On... Performance Sport
Steven Goldstein says that trading is something similar to performance sport. Some people get this and some people don't. I sit in the camp that gets it. When I saw his tweet ( Figure below ), I just thought what a coincidence, I've been having s similar thought myself. I'm not a sports person myself but I do know a little about what a sports person go through. I figured that most athlete would spend 20% ( roughly speaking ) of their time acquiring the skill and the remaining 80% executing on it and training to perfect the existing skill. Take a swimmer for example. They probably spend the first few years of their life learning the skills that is required to become an athlete in their field. After you have learned the different strokes, you are not going to learn anything particularly new. The swimmer will then continue to train every day to perfect the existing skills. They continue to train evey day to execute on what they already know. Why do I think this is similar to t...