
Showing posts from December, 2022

On... Monopoly

Monopoly is a great game that I played as a kid, not realizing how close it mirrors the real world that we live in. According to @GuyImprov ( see figure below ), "Imagine playing Monopoly and never buying any assets or investments that generate income. Imagine you just went around collecting $200, giving your money to the rich, and trying to stay out of jail. That is how most people live their lives". That is indeed very true and exactly what 90% of my education entailed. From the start of school to the day I graduate University - I was trained to be a cog in a machine, as they say. The sole purpose of my education was to train me to be a good worker. There were very few topics on Financial Planning. I'm sure there was; but not at any useful level that would leave a mark on my mind. The pathway ususally looks something like this --> Study Hard --> Graduate from University --> Become a Worker --> Work Hard --> Become a Boss --> Retire. Thing like what is ...