On... the Short Cut
Punk 6529 had a Twitter thread titled " On Making It ". It is a good thread and something that I do think about from time to time. TLDR of the thread is as follows. Live can be divided into 5 levels financially. Level 1 is barely enough to survive. Level 2 is living paycheck to paycheck. Level 3 is living comfortably. Level 4 is Super Rich Level 5 is Nirvana. My personal opinion or net worth range that I apply is as follows. Level 1 - 0 to 1k$. Level 2 - 1k to 100k$. Level 3 - 100K to 10mil$. Level 4 - more than 10mil$. Level 5 is when you're happy with your net worth. This is a very special level because it is not defined by your net worth but defined by your own satisfaction. This is of course a very rough representation of what Punk 6529 is talking about. I have lived my life mostly in Level 3. Grew up in a Level 3 Family when I finally got a job and is pursuing my own career, I was mostly in Level 3. Early in my career, as an ambitious young man, I have considered tha...