On... the Value of Things
They say Beauty is in the Eyes of the Beholder. The same thing can be said about "Value". For someone who is living through Winter, an air-cond is of no Value. Whereas it totally has value for someone who is living through Summer. The opposite is true for a heater unit. Totally of no Value for someone living through Summer but has immense Value for someone living through Winter. People always debate the Value of things. But it is very subjective. One thing can be of value to someone but has no value to someone else. Note that Im talking about Value and not Price. Of course, there is some overlap as we assign the Value of something usually through the Price. The price of a luxury handbag is quite high. This suggests that a luxury handbag has immense value. It can be - for someone who likes the brand a lot. But to me, a luxury handbag does not have value at all. First of all, I do not use a handbag and secondly, even if I do, I would not care very much about the brand. And the...